Real Life Experiences

Your Experiences With Drowsy Driving

Research shows that few New Zealanders know little about the dangers of drowsy driving and how they can prevent it. The people that do have been 'self taught' usually having had a first hand experience with drowsy driving.

We invite you to talk to your friends about their experiences of drowsy driving.

We are sure that you will be surprised at the stories that they have to share! Here is just a sample of some of the stories that have been shared with us.

Stories ranged from near-death experiences, fatalities to near misses, unusual methods of staying awake, crashes on short distance trips, crashes at intersections in the city, wiping out roadside markers and crashing into the back of trucks, brick walls or trees!

Education begins with the in-depth local and international research combined with real life experiences, followed by solutions developed to the analysis of that research. So we would greatly appreciate your story, no matter how small it may appear to you. Perhaps you ran off the road into the gravel while your partner was sleeping in the front seat of the car, or you started dozing off in a particular geographical location (please remember to tell us where) because of the terrain or light condition, or you dozed off after a heavy meal or eating certain food(s).

Any crash photographs and script would be greatly appreciated. As we are aware of the sensitivities and personal involvement with these crashes or incidents, please only send information that you are comfortable with us placing onto this website, and then complete the following Personal Release Agreement. Your story will be much appreciated and your bad experience could help save lives.

We want to learn of your experience with drowsy-driving !
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'Be a bed head not a dead head'